April 2nd, 2024
I feel much better today. There are no mood swings. I am certain that my blood sugar was spiked eating that Chinese food a couple days ago, then when it crashed my emotions too felt a crash landing.
I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror. My trapezius muscles had grown dramatically. I have been lifting for many years doing deadlifts and shrugs, but I could never get them to grow. It was a curious thing that they grew now of all times, when I had stopped lifting for months.
I've made a lot of differences in my lifestyle ever since my Singulair/Montelukast incident. I've been running shirtless in the scorching sun for a couple miles everyday.
I've not watched porn or masturbated in a while too. I also drink 2L of water everyday, and play racquet sports with friends and family from time to time.
I also have changed my diet to eat enormous amounts of fiber, as I've mentioned before here. I think it's regulating the negative effects of sugar. I also put garlic cloves, ginger, turmeric, and now raw onions into my smoothies. Additionally, I take a fish oil and vitamin D supplement. I will be including canned oysters in olive oil pretty soon to raise my zinc levels.
I also eat an enormous amount of leafy greens. About a bundle a day. I have lost a couple pounds, putting me back at 135lbs, which is unfortunate as a skinny guy, but looking in the mirror I am putting on muscle very, very quickly despite not lifting at all.
I think the change is mostly an increase in testosterone. I didn't realize how easy it is to put on muscle when you have this chemical versus when you don't.
No wonder why old men go on TRT, this stuff makes gaining muscle and staying healthy very, very easy.
I struggled most of my adolescence and young adulthood to put on muscle despite lifting consistently. I was always frustrated by it, but it turns out it was that easy if you have the miracle sex drug.
I am probably going to eat a raw red onion once a day, alongside consuming garlic, turmeric, and ginger. I will try to eat oysters and drink almond milk for the zinc.
I know that testosterone tends to veer into the toxic manosphere subculture, but after my experiences I've found that the sex hormone is quite vital. No, not for libido or horndog purposes, but just for in general... happiness, contentment, and calmness. I wish I had accepted it sooner.
We really are just chemicals.
Another reason I think the change in my trapezius muscles is due to testosterone is because my libido has increased. I don't think I've felt this way since I was a teenager.
I find the psychology of men very interesting. It's honestly incredibly distracting. And it's no wonder why humans came to dominate the earth with a huge population...