Qualified Human
March 19th, 2024
I experience strong emotions.
When I am depressed, my body is heavy. Like I have caught the flu.
When I am happy, my shoulders drop. I smile. My stomach relaxes.
When I am stressed, my shoulders tense. My stomach tightens in a knot. My legs are tense. It's hard to breathe.
When I am angry, I can feel a lump in my throat. My blood boils. A wrench in my stomach twists the nuts tight. My breath is loud and fast.
When I am relaxed, I feel as if the world were an ocean, and I were laying at the bottom of it. My muscles are loose like cables off telephone poles.
And, when I am unbearably in love, I put my hand against my mouth and cross my legs. I cannot bear the feeling. It's a strong curl in my gut. I'm nauseous. My head feels cloudy. I hold my breath accidently, and I have to remind myself to breathe normally. The world spins around her and her alone.
No wonder why the Greeks treat eros love as a deadly temperament; I only think of Romeo and Juliet, Helen of Troy, and so many others tragic play heroes and heroines...
Thank You Note
I got a thank you note from the charity I donated to. I used to write something similar when I volunteered at the hospital. I didn't think much of it then, but to be on the receiving end...
For a man, I feel too strongly---but I think that makes me more human than anything else.