January 19th, 2023
I feel like I have to be productive. In lieu of that, I've done nothing this entire week. It's bogging me down a little bit.
I want to go to campus and join some clubs, but what's the point if I just get laughed at doing sports? I'm so unathletic, so what's the point?
Looks like I'm stuck again. I don't know what to spend my life doing. Or rather, nothing is enjoyable.
I'm at the age, 22. Everyone portrayed in media seems younger than me now. It's a strange feeling. It almost feels like... my time has passed.
I watched the Cautious Hero anime. Loved it. It was great. Not sure what else to say.
It's beautiful outside, not sure what there's to do outside though.
Hmm... Ah... I'm so bored.
Okay! I guess I'll go rock-climbing tomorrow. I've got to stay active and positive. Sure, I am running and doing push-ups everyday but staying in my room is kind of killing my soul. I'll go rock climbing tomorrow and then maybe stay at school and experiment with the Stripe API! Or maybe even the Auth0 API! I don't know.
How am I going to get through next month? I just can't wait to start working. What the hell am I going to do with my life in the meantime?!?!!?
video games and manga
Ha... just read more manga and played video games. I played this game called LoveChoice which was okay I guess. It just kind of solidified I'm not cut out for this whole "romance" shit. I don't think it's for me. Caring about another person to such a degree. It's too difficult.
GAHH! I am just so dang tired. Nothing's quite satisfying me anymore. Ughghghgh.