Notes of a Mirror
August 30th, 2024
What makes a person?
What makes someone extraordinary?
What makes someone successful?
I realize that executives and other product managers are, quite simply, just gamblers.
Anyone who has to make decisions in the face of uncertainty are placing bets on one future or another. They're practically gamblers.
That's why executives and traders and doctors get paid so much. They are responsible for uncertainty, and they're responsible for extracting signal from noise from the results of their decisions. In other words, they need to know if they're making good decisions or if they're just getting goodly lucky.
Engineers on the other hand, and other operational footmen, don't have to deal with as much as uncertainty. Implementation is not difficult. It's the decision-making on the ground.
What do I want out of life?
Trading and Gambling
Maybe I'll try playing IV on stock options. Before earnings call. Or, perhaps buying options after earnings when IV is lowest.
Not sure. Maybe I need to zoom out again and assess why I'm doing all this. Is this really the better life that I imagined?
I'm not sure. I look at the seniors at work, and I wonder, is this where my future is headed?