Going Nuclear
February 15th, 2023
It's clear I have an internet addiction. I spend 12+ hours a day on the computer.
Quite frankly, I need to touch grass.
The Plan
I need to work, so I need my computer still. But, I want to not rely on any of it while at home.
So no computer usage unless it's for work or checking emails. The way God intended computers to be for.
Here's the plan:
- no Reddit, YouTube, or HackerNews. especially, NO imageboards
- no Twitter or Pinterest either, or Danbooru
- obviously no porn sites either
- phone is permanently restricted to Clock, Google Maps, Phone, Messages, and Discord
- computer is to be put to sleep immediately after use
- no video games. in the future, when my addiction is better controlled I'll buy a console
- computer usage is to be as close to zero as possible
- everything will be put on grayscale. colors are addictive
- if I need something from the internet, I'll look it up then print it out
Now I need a list of activities to do:
- reading
- climbing
- lifting
- running
- cooking
- keeping up with friends
- eating
- sketching in real life
- meditating
That's a lot, isn't it? I wonder how I even have time to spend 12 hours a day on the computer...
I have plenty to do now. Maybe I'll even...?