Epiphenomenalism: Predictive Power
April 21st, 2024
Reductionism is not an effective medium of absolute truth. The idea of theoretical generalizations being true holds no sway in my mind. Though, I understand the paradoxical nature of making such a reductionist sweeping argument like so. It is hypocritical of me to claim all abstractions are by nature unable to describe absolute truth while in the same statement making an abstraction that describes an absolute truth.
But I still believe in it anyway. All models are wrong to some sense of a degree; it is by some measurement of the universe we neglect to observe when we engage in our reductionist intuitions that make us wrong. Or, by some chance in the future, we will discover something entirely new. The universe keeps surprising us!
That means when I approach problems and beliefs, I always do so by a degree of practicalism. I believe things not because I actually believe they are true, but because they have a high probability of predicting the future correctly.
That means, some beliefs are stronger than others and can predict better. However, what if Theory A predicts correctly 40% of the time, and Theory B predicts correctly for 60% of the time? What if both theories are correct and that there are differences in the situations Theory A predicts correctly for and Theory B predicts corrrectly for? It is hard to reason about the truth, isn't it?
What this really all just means... I'll try to keep more of an open-mind when discussing ideas.
Thoughts against epiphenomenalism
If consciousness had no ability to affect our physical world, that would imply there is no evolutionary purpose to consciousness---why would we develop it?
The evolutionary algorithm certainly wouldn't be inefficient. I don't believe consciousness is by accident. Perhaps my belief in epiphenomenalism is misguided.
Perhaps conscious thoughts can influence our actions, and that are thoughts are not pre-determined.
Why in the world would consciousness exist otherwise? What an interesting question.
But the key takeaway is that, in the twenty-first century, we vastly underrate the influence our physiology and metabolism have on our mental processes.

My friend is depressed. I'm not sure what to do. She also has period pain, which as a male I have no frame of reference to empathize with her. Does being a woman mean living a lonesome experience? And does being a man mean to never understand?
All I can do is encourage healthy behaviours like going to see a doctor or consuming anti-inflammatory substances. And even then, I don't think I should be offering any advice at all as someone who cannot understand.
Maybe all I can do then is to provide support. Not words of a false understanding or statements of what should be done. Just a word of support, that "I wish the best for you."
Just to say, "I'm here, and I want you to feel better."
Maybe the way I write is way too pungent, prudent, pedantic, and, er, melodramatic? Too serious?
Maybe I should practice being more casual in my writing anyway, so that when I think in my head it comes off less sophisticated. The irony is that when I speak I usual don't sound elegant and sophisticated at all.
To be fair, being less sophisticated in this day in age is probably for the best. Using big words to obfusicate meaning and detract from the actual signal of the body of work is, well, useless in value.
I guess simplistic language should be used to generate value to a wider audience. But that begs the question, won't using my normal prose voice bring more value to myself?
Hmm. It does make my writing style much more individualistic and core to my identity, but in terms of communication, is that really ideal?
I think I could tone down with the absolutist overtones of my writing. Like I do and do not know at any given time what is true and not true. God.
Forward from Here
ADHD and Autism are neurodevelopmental disorders. In a way, I'm already kind of f*cked in this model. My hormonal and metabolic state might have been f*cked by my microbiome from the get-go. But it's still an interesting model of viewing humans.
Still, I'll keep going with a healthy diet. Sure, I'm f*cked, but when have I not been f*cked?
I... just keep moving forward. Cheers to me. Keep going.